• Something Just Broke

    Something Just Broke

    I’m not very big on regret, but I’ve been thinking a LOT lately about wasted opportunities. There was a recent opportunity I had that I really thought was going to change the trajectory of my career, and it did sort of. But after one book I was let go and found myself back to square…

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  • Magic to Do

    Magic to Do

    In my last post I mentioned coming back from Bouchercon and being excited to write again, but even though that was sort of true, I still couldn’t get any traction on any of the book projects I tried to work on. So I took a break to work on a short story I’ve been noodling…

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  • Being Alive

    Being Alive

    Last month I was able to get back to Bouchercon for the first time in three years and it was just what my soul and creativity needed. I’d been working on the same novel for more than four years before finally abandoning it right before the conference. Talking to folks and sitting in on panels…

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  • Say Hello to Mr Leo

    Say Hello to Mr Leo

    Sooooo, uh, we drove to the middle of Amish Ohio this morning and brought back a new friend. Say hello to Mr Leo.

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  • Stewie, 2007 – 2022

    Stewie, 2007 – 2022

    All I ever wanted was a dog. Growing up, my parents tempted me twice with dogs but ours wasn’t a dog family and both times the dogs went back to where they came from after a month or so. Until I was 30 and met Becky. We got to talking about our future together and…

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  • Nashville Bound

    Nashville Bound

    My dad and I have talked for ages about road-tripping to Nashville and Memphis but never got around to it. Today we’re doing it.

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  • New Day, New Week, New Year

    New Day, New Week, New Year

    I took the remaining Christmas decorations down last night and it got me thinking about how this time of year used to be so depressing for me. Eventually though, I stopped thinking about the past and missing the holiday buildup and started getting excited about the future and making plans and dreaming about the possibilities…

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  • Social Media and Me and You + An Update

    Social Media and Me and You + An Update

    So, it’s been a while. I had a newsletter drafted and ready to go for June when my latest book was published, but that got caught in TinyLetter’s security net and was never sent. I moved everything over to MailChimp, but my life got insane, then fell apart a bit, after that. Also, the interface…

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  • Jackpot is a New York Times Bestseller

    Jackpot is a New York Times Bestseller

    I was going to be all subtle about it, but Jackpot will be debuting at #13 on the New York Times bestseller list this week and I’m geeked. Lifelong dreams come at you weird ways sometimes but that doesn’t make it any less sweet. If I’m being honest with myself, it feels a little bit…

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  • The Office

    The Office

    I love my family, and I love being home to see them all the time, but occasionally I need to get work done. When we first moved into this house I set up my office in a corner of my bedroom that worked well enough for the first year. But now Becky is home too…

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