Author: Bryon Quertermous

  • Hey, We Have a New House

    Hey, We Have a New House

    Long time readers here will know there has been no love lost between me and my old house. We got a great deal on it as a foreclosure, and we always intended to fix it up quickly and then move on to something bigger, but, well, here we are more than a decade later and…

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  • MERCENARY: The First Two Pages

    MERCENARY: The First Two Pages

    I’m pleased today to be over at Art Taylor‘s site with a First Two Pages essay about my story from the Go-Go’s anthology edited by Holly West about my attempts–some successful, some not so–at writing authentic non-white, non-male characters.

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  • One Word Resolution, 2019

    One Word Resolution, 2019

    Every year Laura Lippman does a one word resolution challenge and I really like the idea. Instead of coming up with a task list of dubious usefulness, it takes all of the swirling ideas and thought and inspirations in my head and solidifies them around one solid theme. So this year my word is QUALITY.…

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  • RIP Aunt Agatha’s

    RIP Aunt Agatha’s

    My first visit to Aunt Agatha’s Mystery Bookshop corresponded to my first visit to Ann Arbor when friends from my Flint-area high school theater and choir program trekked out to our closest cultural mecca. They went to find music stores and other quaint shops, I navigated my way (poorly) toward Fourth Avenue where I knew…

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  • So You Want to Build an Author Website

    So You Want to Build an Author Website

    I’m a web content junkie and I pride myself on the usefulness of this website and the great comments I’ve received from folks on how easy it is to use. Many of the best parts of this site came from ideas generated by Judy Bobalik’s annual Facebook post about it. Judy reads a ton and…

    Read more: So You Want to Build an Author Website