Author: Bryon Quertermous

  • Piano Man

    Piano Man

    Apparently having one instrument in the house I can barely play wasn’t enough, so I got one I have *zero* experience with. But I really want to learn how to play classical piano, so why not? It’s a Yamaha P45. I got it from Amazon of all places. It feels and sounds beautiful. After just…

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  • So, About That Secret Project…

    So, About That Secret Project…

    Remember that cool secret project I was working on? I can now officially announce that I co-wrote the new Teddy Fay book with Stuart Woods. It’s called JACKPOT and it will be published in June 2021, but it’s available for pre-order RIGHT NOW From the Publisher: When Peter Barrington and Ben Bachetti come under threat…

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  • Some Thoughts on My Current Book

    Some Thoughts on My Current Book

    My current book is this weird hybrid of domestic suspense and noir revenge thriller that I envision as part A STRANGER IN MY GRAVE and part IN A LONELY PLACE (book not movie), but I can never settle in my mind if it’s worth writing. Over the last two years, I’ve cut it from seven…

    Read more: Some Thoughts on My Current Book
  • Pickup Man

    Pickup Man

    I never really considered myself a truck guy, but we had to replace my Fusion and I get sick of asking to borrow my in-laws’ truck all the time for projects around the house, and I need something that can pull a camper, so I bought a truck.

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  • Thoughts in the Time of a Pandemic

    Thoughts in the Time of a Pandemic

    I originally wrote something on Twitter about preferring journaling to blogging and the second I posted it, I knew it wasn’t true and I deleted it. Because the truth is I love writing here. I do enjoying journaling more than I ever thought I would and it has it’s place for helping me work through…

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  • I Sold a Short Story to MWA

    I Sold a Short Story to MWA

    Very excited that my short story “Howard’s Heart” has been selected to appear in the next Mystery Writers of America anthology A Stranger Comes to Town. This is *very* exciting for me because I have always wanted to be in one of the MWA anthologies. I think they’re the premiere anthology of crime fiction every…

    Read more: I Sold a Short Story to MWA
  • Finding Comfort in Weirdness, Structure, and Murder: An Interview with Kameron Hurley

    Finding Comfort in Weirdness, Structure, and Murder: An Interview with Kameron Hurley

    My beat is crime fiction, as most of you know, but I also dabble in other corners of the literary fun house and certain authors who write a lot online like John Scalzi and Chuck Wendig have crossed over into the larger literary community as a whole and are read by folks well beyond their…

    Read more: Finding Comfort in Weirdness, Structure, and Murder: An Interview with Kameron Hurley
  • Pom Dads Behind the Scenes

    Pom Dads Behind the Scenes

    I’ve joked on Facebook a few times that I never expected to be the parent of an athlete and be involved in camps and competitions unless it was related to choir or theater. But Holly auditioned for pom on a whim and made the team and suddenly I’m a pom parent. It really does seem…

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  • Back to the Blog (Not That I Really Left)

    Back to the Blog (Not That I Really Left)

    I talked a bit on social media toward the beginning of the year about using this year to dig back into this blog on a more regular basis to help combat the worst elements of social media. And let’s be straight here, I love social media. After a few tries going away from it cold…

    Read more: Back to the Blog (Not That I Really Left)
  • Me, A Decade in Review 2009 – 2019

    Personally and professionally, my twenties were almost an entirely wasted decade. Wasted time, wasted opportunities, and wasted mental space. My thirties dragged me into adulthood at warp speed, and I spent most of that decade catching up on life, making up for past transgressions, digging myself new holes, and getting myself out of those holes…

    Read more: Me, A Decade in Review 2009 – 2019