We all know what I think of Laura Lippman in general, but one thing she’s done in recent years that makes me (almost) forgive her for everything is is encourage people to condense their dreams and goals and fears and hopes for the new year into a one word resolution. I’ve really enjoyed this and find it incredibly helpful. Last year my word was quality.
This year, my word is follow-through. It’s something I’ve never been good at, but that needs to change. A couple of years ago my word was professional, and I aimed to only do work and take on projects that would further my goal to be a long-term professional writer. Over the ensuing two years, I’ve been successful and lucky in that area leading to some really cool opportunities next year.
I have a history of either blowing or not taking full advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I want to make damn sure those days are behind me. So whether it’s following through on things I promise my kids (good or bad), keeping up my resurgent fitness interests (hello, volleyball where my follow-through is terrible), or taking full advantage of professional opportunities, 2020 will be the year I follow through on everything I say I will do.