CHM 130: Chemistry and Society
CHM 131: Basic Chemistry Laboratory
COM 340: Graphic Design: Communication
ENG 296: Intro To Creative Writing
FRN 111: Beginning French I
POL 329: Civ Liberties & the Const
THE 113: Theatre Practicum: Performance

ENG 241: Elements of Literary Analysis
ENG 299: Topics in Literature
ENG 363: Sem in Collab Wrtg Theory/Prac

ENG 309: Playwriting

ENG 241: Elements of Literary Analysis
ENG 252: Advanced Composition

ENG 298 Topic: Rhetoric & Amer Politic
ENG 299 Topic: Mystery & Detective Fic
ENG 392 Advanced Creative Writing: Fic

COM 398:Internship in Communication

ENG 204: Literature of Greece & Rome
ENG 357: Modern American Literature
ENG 392: Advanced Creative Writing: Fic
POL 387: Sex, Drugs, and Politics

ART 100: Intro to Studio Art
ENG 213: American Ethnic Literature
ENG 316: Shakespeare’s Prin Plays
GEO 151: Physical Geography II

AODC Classes

IDS 301: Intro to Lifelong Learning
SOC 215: General Statistics

CSC 122 UG: Intro to Programming
CSC 302: Intro to Data Visualization
ENG 338: Communications in Business
MKT 237:Digital Marketing Principles

ART 222: Visual Storytelling 3.000
CIS 152: Database Management Software 3.000
COM 365: Social Media Communication 3.000
IDS 497: Lifelong Learning Capstone